Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rules for taking care of a werejohncandy

If you wish to own a Werejohncandy like Chumsley, you'll need to follow these rules:

  1. The werejohncandy is always right. No matter what the circumstances are- the werejohncandy IS ALWAYS RIGHT. This means that they are always right and never wrong. Remember to agree with everything the werejohncandy tells you. If you disobey this rule you'll be in serious trouble.
  2. No revealing the secret to anyone who isn't a friend. No matter what they ask of you- no matter how much they beg and plee- you must NEVER tell the werejohncandy's secret to anyone who isn't a friend of the werejohncandy. The secret must be kept a secret and discreit at all times, the only ones who must know are the close friends of one. You must never tell it to an enemy or family member- or a member of the enemy's family or even their lackey/minion, and NEVER tell it to anyone the enemy is ascioated with. Family members tend to act very suspicious because of the werejohncandy thing- relatives (especially mother-in-laws and father-in-laws) can tend to act extremely testy because their relative is a werejohncandy- the parent in-laws are the even worst example of this, the in laws tend to be very bitter towards them, father-in-laws are the worst example- most of which are the first to yell out such things as "You look like a hippy! Get a haircut!" "Trim those claws you have for finger nails!" and "Take better care of yourself!" , mother-in laws aren't as bad but are overall equally as irritating- they're very overprotective and are the first to complain and on occasion will say such things as "Oh my. You're as big as house. Have you been eating junk food again?" "What's that black spot on your nose, it's not paint is it?" "Why are you all furry? Are you coming down with something?" and "Why are you talking like John Candy? Are you not feeling too well?". So it is well advised that you should NEVER ever tell the werejohncandy secret to anyone who isn't a friend of theirs, especially not to enemies- family members and members of the enemies family, or relatives (especially NOT the in-laws). Disobey this rule and you'll pay for it dearly.
  3. Trust the werejohncandy at all times. The werejohncandy is a very trustworthy creature. They can always be relied on to save the day and are always ready to help out in any way that they can. And you can always count on one when you need help, don't be imtimidated by it's size- the werejohncandy can be your friend. Yes, you can trust in the werejohncandy- you can count on it to always be there for you whenever you feel down and out, to protect you from the evils of the world , and to hang out with whenever you're lonely. But before you can do that- you must be sure that the werejohncandy trusts you first, in order to do that you must befriend it and get to know them-over time said werejohncandy will develop a bond with you and you'll be best friends. Remember to always obey this rule when around one or the werejohncandy may not want you as a friend. If you disobey this rule the werejohncandy will raise hell.
  4. Remember to keep a werejohncandy well protected at all times. The werejohncandy has many similarites to a giant panda- one of which is that they're both an endangered species. Although the werejohncandy is big lovable and cuddly, it is indeed an endangered species and should be kept safe from harm at all times. There are only 10-20 werejohncandys left in the world (except in Canada, where they can be found in the forest on a full moon night especially during the month of October), a werejohncandy needs a lot of protection especially from it's dreaded natural enemy the big chinned wereLeno (werelenos often like to pick on the werejohncandy and as such are dangerous and considered a pest in some parts of the world). You must always keep your werejohncandy safe from werelenos and anything else that might harm him. Disobey this rule and you'll have one very unhappy werejohncandy.
  5. No Fat Jokes allowed. This is the most important rule of all, The werejohncandy is very sensitive and quick to anger. They especially hate any "fat jokes" made about them. Even the slightest wisecrack about their weight and they'll turn vicious and try to attack you. When around one- absolutely NO fat jokes- don't even think about it! No fat jokes, no name calling and no pointing and laughing- no pointing and saying "Look! It's a beached whale!" or anything else like that either. Fat jokes are NOT allowed. So no fat jokes and that includes any "plump dier" wisecracks saying that one day they'll keel over and die....because if you disobey this rule you'll find that YOU'LL be the one keeling over.
  6. Always have him paired up with an attractive human female when writing a story about him.
  7. Protect his habitat at all costs.
  8. Never ever let him go. Keep him with you at all times.
  9. Allow him to come with you on our next voyage or journey.
  10. Make sure he never ever gets lost.
  11. Give him the chance to help out.
  12. Always let him look after the kids while you're away on vacation. Believe me, Chumsley's great with kids.
  13. When something goes wrong, do not put the blame on him.
  14. Watch john candy movies with him on a regular basis. One a day I always say.


15. Keep his fur nice and trim.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Madcap Adventures Of Doc M

Today i'm going to tell about my new series The Madcap Misadventures Of Doc M, it's about me and the various mishaps that go in the lab.


Doc M (Me)
A scientist who works on various inventions. He is quirky and misunderstood and has an unique sense of humour. Doc's experiments using ending up going horribly wrong. Becomes a werejohncandy in episode 12 onwards and stays that way.

Dr Critic (my brother)
The brother of Doc M, he is also a fellow scientist. He has robotic limbs because he got badly hurt in a fight at a bar one time when he saw someone hitting on his girlfriend Tara. He travels around in a hoverchair.

The hunchbacked assistant of Dr M. Boris is Dr Music's personal igor. He's a bit clumsy but he'sa a good inventor.

He is a member of Doc's team. He is based on Vincent Price and for some reason is part feline. He is very suave and polite.

He is Doc's first experiment. He is named after Jeff Goldblum and is a human/fly hybrid. He has four arms, wings, antennae, red eyes and is able to fly- he also has super strength.

Chumsley is a lovable werejohncandy, despite his size he is a very kindly soul and wouldn't hurt a fly. On one occassion though he falls into the same teleportation machine that Doc happens to be using- causing their dna to merge and Doc starts turning into him. In episode 12 Chumsley accidentally scratches him with his claws- turning him into a 6'2 3oolb Canadian werejohncandy much like him.

A failed experimet of Doc M's. Doizee is a rather ditzy ladybug who is incredibly flat- so much so she resembles road kill. Doizee is married to Cid- a male ladybug who is rather soft.

Doizee's husband. A ladybug hand puppet brought to life by Dr Music's Reanimator Ray.

Doizee Jr, Doizee Jr 2nd, Countess and Frankie
Doizee's kids.

Vannessa (Andria)
Vannessa is a journalist for the local newspaper.

Maxwell (Tyrone The Terrible)
Maxwell is head of a big electronics company.

Sam Leno/Chinstar (my best friend)
Sam Leno is Doc M's best friend he is also the lantern jawed crime fighter Chinstar.

Stardancer is a video game character created by Dr Critic. He is a satire of Michael Jackson and his look is based on Dangerous era Michael. He has magical powers and an infinite amount of lives. He is kind of shy and naive but his heart is in the right place. He is able to morph into anything much like Mr Mimicry from Herodale College.

Sidney/Incredible Gump (Sidney the koala)
Sidney is a dimwitted koala who turns into an even stupider neanderthalic green koala at random moments. The name Incredible Gump is a play on Incredible Hulk and Forest Gump.

Dr Schnouzer (Jack Black)
My arch nemesis. Dr Schnouzer is a slightly deranged scientist. He is based on Peter Lorre and has a monobrow. Dr Schouzer's monobrow is often a running gag throughout the series.

Being A Werejohncandy

In the previous episode of my show the Madcap Adventures Of Doc M, I was turned into a werejohncandy after Chumsley accidentally scratched me with his claws. But before that I was slowly changing into Chumsley himself. I'm quite used to being a werejohncandy now. I mean I get cool powers and everything. Plus, my brother says it makes me even more popular than I already was. I owe it all to Chumsley- if he hadn't bitten me i wouldn't have been become a cute, furry werejohncandy in the first place. At first I thought i was really gonna hate it but now I love it- it's awesome. I've got the transformations into werejohncandy form under control- I only transform when it's a full moon night or if I get hungry. Luckily my clothes do not rip or tear when I transform. I've decided to make my character in the Madcap Misadventures Of Doc M a permanent werejohncandy. And the transformation proccess isn't painful at all- it's actually quite pleasant.

Special Coming March 4th

Next Wednesday is march 4th which is the anniversary of the death of late funnyman John Candy and to commerate this occassion we will be having our annual John Candython where we present special episodes of our work featuring homages to the great man. The rather eerie thing being that the day after that will be the 5th of March which is the anniversary of John Belushi's death.

John Candyathon specials kick off with a special episode of the Madcap Misadventures Of Doc M where I get turned into a 6'2 300lb Canadian werejohncandy after Chumsley accidentally scratches me with his claws- and on the night of the big science fair too. Then Millitary Koalas pays homage to the classic John Candy comedy Uncle Buck when Sparky's brother Buck takes care of Sparky Jr and the Koala Kadgets. Followed by a homage to those polka playing Schmenge brothers in a special episode of The Rattastein Brothers. Then at 6:PM to 8:30 PM we air a John Candy movie of the viewer's choice (this year's choices are Delirious, Splash, Uncle Buck, Cool Runnings, Stripes, and P.T.A). Our John Candython will be guest hosted by Eugene Levy.

We will also be airing the special two part first episode of my show Madcap Misadventures Of Doc M. It will be a satire of David Cronenberg's remake of The Fly.

Part 1:
I'm bored, so for a little bit of fun I decide to go into the lab and check out some of my bro's inventions that never got tested. I stumble upon a teleportation machine of his. At first I hestitate as to whether I said to test it or not but I decide to test it out anyway. The good news is it works, the bad news is that our good friend Chumsley the werejohncandy falls into the machine and our dna ends up getting merged. This causes me to slowly turn into him.

Part 2:
Things are getting big and hairy as I start to become more like Chumsley. I better find a way to fix things before it's too late. I must not let my older bro find out i've been using one of his untested inventions. Will I find a way to cure my condition? What will Andria think? Find out.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Presenting Our Newest Adventure Tale: The Rattastien Bros.

Ladies and gentlemen we are proud to present our latest work. It's called the Rattastein Brothers and it's about a trio of rats who are brothers and have their own polka band. It is set in the fictional village of Rattastan. In this story they go on a tour around the world.


Rubin Rattastein (played by me)
Rubin is the smartest of the Rattastein brothers. Rubin is a grey rat with a brown patch around his eye and blue eyes. Rubin is very clever and he is an inventor. He is the accordian player in the band. He also writes most of the songs.

Ivan Rattastein (played by my bro Dr Critic)
Ivan is the oldest of the three. Ivan is also the bravest and nicest. Ivan is a brown rat with messy fur and green eyes. Ivan is very brave and quick. He is the lead singer of the group. He's a big toughie on the outside but he's got a heart of gold on the inside.

Robert Rattastein
Robert is the youngest of the three of them. He is also the most shy member of the group. He plays the clarinet. Robert is very shy and socially akward, but he's always happy to help.

Rattetta (Andria)
Rattetta is a female rat, she is a good friend of the band. She is a tan rat with red hair and a green dress. She's generous and very energetic. She holds a special place in Rubin's heart.

Ted (Chucky G)

Ted is a brown rat with brown eyes and a sweet demeanor. Ted is the manager of the Rattastein brothers band. Ted always has good advice and is very careful not to upset anyone.

Peter and Vincent (Agrimorfee and Red Ant)
Peter and Vincent are rats who are talent agents. Peter is named after Peter Lorre (and has the same voice) while Vincent is based on Vincent Price. Peter is a skittish dark grey rat with crazy eyes and Vincent is a suave black rat.

Alvin Cheesly
Alvin is the main villain of this piece. He is a satire of Elvis Presley. He is modelled on Gaston from Beauty and the beast. He is a lot similar to Gaston in terms of personality. He is a white rat and also he's a famous rockstar. Everyone in the village of Rattastan loves him except for Ratetta. He wears a gold and red jumpsuit. Every year he loses the talent contest to the Rattastein brothers and as such he's determined to win no matter what.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

John Candy themed graphics

This is my gallery of John Candy inspired graphics. This first one is one I would like to dedicate to Andria. It's our mascot Chumsley the werejohncandy and his human girlfriend Lola Heatherton in France, last valentines day Chumsley took Lola on a holiday to France. Chumsley met Lola a couple of years ago. It was a very memorable occassion.

This is the start of a transformation sequence of me into Chumsley the werejohncandy. The morph effects were done with fantamorph 3 and the animation was done by Agif. I worked on the sequence with some help from my brother. This is the hand changing part.

This is the second half, known as the "shoe burst" part.

And this is the final part of it, the face changing part.

This is Chumsley posing for a magazine photoshoot. Some reporters from National Enquirer took photos of him and wrote a front page story about him. The headlines read "John Candy Lives Again".

This one i'm quite proud of. It's me turning into a Werejohncandy just like Chumsley. This happened after he accidentally scratched me with his claws. He didn't mean to do it. I've been a Werejohncandy ever since. I rarely transform and seem to be very good at hiding it from my parents, enemies and in-laws. It's great being a werejohncandy, but there are a few downsides to it. But i'm a super smart werejohncandy nonetheless. I love having the superhuman powers. I use them responsively though. Because with great power comes great responsibility. Werejohncandy live in forests. If you go into the forest on the night of John Candy's death you might see one- remember Chumsley's fur is light brownish, mine is dark brown. Also I have a longer mane than Chumsley's when i'm Werejohncandy form.

Kingom Hearts 2

Kingdom Hearts is a good game, sadly I never completed it because my copy froze up. I like KH2 as well. It has almost every Disney villain in it- that is except for Gaston. That's the one thing I don't like about it. They should have included Gaston in Kingdom Hearts 2- he's my absolute favourite Disney villain of all time- it's hard not to like the guy. I was shocked that he was never included in Kingdom Hearts 2. He should have been included in the game. I would have loved to see him in the game. I love Gaston. He's such a fun villain. I'm a true blue Gastonian. My good friend TrudiRose writes fanfic- and she has a rather special way of making him come across as redeemable. Whenever you get the chance, visit the Bittersweet and Strange forum.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mini Series

I am working on a mini-series about me and my various experiments, it will be part animation part live action and will be titled The Misguided Mishaps Of Doc M, it will be all about what happens in my lab. In each episode I invent things but my experiments always go wrong. The very first episode will be a satire of David Cronenberg's remake of the Fly, basically I discover one of my brother's untested inventions the teleportation machine and decide to give it a test run, so I test out but unknownst to me our fat furry mascot Chumsley accidentally falls into the machine. The result: my dna and Chumsley's get merged together, causing me to slowly turn into him.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My desktop

This is what my desktop looks like:

John Candyism

I've been a john candy fan for a looong while. Me and my brother got to meet him in 1991, he was a great guy to hang with.

I went as him for Halloween once, and here's the photographic evidence: And by the way, this is me turning into Chumsley.
A little known fact about our beloved mascot Chumsley is that he's a good singer even though in most animated bits we've done with him in them he rarely sings. In the rock opera animated special his musical numbers are done in the style of Meatloaf. Chumsley was created way back in the early 80's, he was inspired by John Candy's performances in Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Stripes, and Uncle Buck. John Candy first provided the voice of him in the animated short Chumsley And Friends (which also featured such characters and a dimwitted koala named Sidney, a ladybug named Doizee and a cat named Cleo). Chumsley and Friends was the first animated series we worked on. We almost got around to making an animated film about him in the mid ninetees, but unfortunately John Candy's death in 1994 got in the way- and so we had to hire a replacement voice actor- so we got Tino Insana (the voice of Pig in Barnyard, and Uncle Ted in Bobby's World) to take over. Chumsley has recently appeared in one of our Doizee's Fairy Tales animated episodes, in the episode Beauty's Beast Friend our mascot Chumsley plays the role of the Beast, it is heavily inspired by Disney's Beauty And The Beast and our version of Belle in it is in fact modelled on and based on our good friend Andria. Voice actors: John Candy (1983-1994), Tino Insana (1994-present).

Doizee the ladybug would later get her own series called The Doizee Club which also featured her children Doizee Jr, Doizee Jr 2nd, Countess, and Frankie. She later on starred in several movies we did including the wildly successful movie Doizee Club (which unfortunately spawned several lame sequels such as Doizee Club Safari). The Doizee Club sequels weren't as good as the original and were pretty lame (we'd like to forget that we let Doizee direct them) and they relied on various cliches both of the cinematic and cartoon variety. We made the very first Doizee Club movie, Doizee proved to be a bit of a diva afterwards. She wanted to direct, and she did..she directed the incredibly lame Doizee Club sequel movies, the only good one she did was Doizee Club And The Pirate Treasure. Don't get us wrong, Doizee is very creative and some of her projects were pretty good, but the moral is....don't give her any ideas at all.

We would like to give a belated thanks to the man who both inspired the character of Chumsley. Thanks John, you really touched a generation of viewers. We miss you.

He provided the original voice for our mascot from 1983 to 1994.


I was most recently in my company's production of Beauty and the beast, I played Gaston- which might I add was the most awesome expierence of my whole life.

I've been in quite a few company productions. Most of the time i've been cast as the villain but there's some occassions in which I have not been a villain in them. Phantom Of The Opera, Leno, Cats, and Sweeney Todd are the only company productions where I have played a non villaious part. In my company's production of POTO i played Erik also known as the phantom, in Cats I played Rum Tum Tugger and in Sweeney Todd i played the title character, in Leno I played the main character Jay Leno.This year, our company production is Rocky Horror Picture Show, I really do hope that I get to be chosen to play Frank N Furter. Because I really do have the right credentials for the part, i've been playing the role of the villain in most plays i've been except in Leno, Phantom Of The Opera and Sweeney Todd. The first bad guy role I played in a company production was Rooster in Annie. You're probably wondering how I ended up getting the part of Rum Tum Tugger in Cats, you see I originally auditioned for the role of Macavity, they liked my audition but the casting director said I wasn't evil enough so my arch rival got the part. But I didn't complain one bit about not getting the part of Macavity, i liked playing the role of Tugger, my friend's mother told me it was one the best performances in the whole show (she also liked her son's performance as Mistophlees).My most famous roles in company productions are the Pirate King in Pirates Of Penzance, Rooster in Annie, Scrooge in A Christmas Carol and Dracula in a rock opera about vampires (my version of Dracula was a welcome change from the cliche "I vant to suck your blood" stereotype, my portrayal of the famous vampire was partially inspired by Chris Sarandon in Fright Night and David Bowie as Jareth in Labyrinth). There's a really funny story of how I got the role of Gaston, you see my casting director is always telling the cast to be more like the characters they're playing and my older bro is always joking about me being similar to Gaston and so when the casting director told me to act more like Gaston I did my absolute best Gaston impression and acted in character both on and off stage. There were plenty of funny moments, one of which happened on the big night before the show started, basically the director tells us: "Remember, big smiles." To which I (as Gaston) responded by boasting "No one smiles like Gaston!" , my best friend (who played Lefou) wished me good luck and that I should "break a leg", my response- a very Gaston-like "No one breaks their leg like Gaston!" followed by going off stage and pretending to break my leg. After the show was over, I was the first to get a standing ovation. My favourite part about playing Gaston were singing the Gaston song with my best buddy (who was hillarious as Lefou by the way).

The toughest role i've ever played was Jay Leno in Leno, the makeup proccess was grueling.

If you are wondering where you can get tickets to the plays i've been in, the animation company my brother works at gives away free tickets to anyone who buys merchandice from one of their cartoons. Our plays are usually seen in New York but tickets sell out pretty quickly, so make sure you get them when you have the chance. Our cartoon shows are shown on ABC Family from time to time during the afternoon block, although most of them can also be viewed online- we'll be putting a few episodes up soon. The Millitary Koalas movie is in theaters now. We also worked on a 3d Biker Mice From Mars movie back in 2001.

Andria, your character makes her debut in the Millitary Koalas movie. And keep an eye out Agrimorfee, ChuckyG, Red Ant, Anonymous Informant, and a few other Amiright alumni make cameo appearances during one of the big action scenes. Red Ant makes a cameo as an anthropomorphic ant named General R.D Ant (a play on his amiright username).

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My collections

I collect a lot of things. I have 128 TY plush animals in my collection, quite a lot of trading cards and action figures and quite an impressive cd collection as well as a big Mushabelly collection.

This is the Happy Me Tribe of Mushabellies. Big Chief is the big fat one, Silly Billy is the one with the long wiggly arms, Edna is the one in the dress, Leia is the one in the superhero mask, Lottie is the yellow one and Leena is the normal one. Silly Billy and Big Chief make a rude noise when you squeeze their stomaches.

Meet The Mascot

Allow us to introduce you to our company's beloved mascot. This is our beloved mascot Chumsley the werejohncandy, he was inspired by an idea Andria gave us. Chumsley has appeared in numerous animated shorts we've done, in them his voice is provided by John Candy soundalike Tino Insana. He also is featured in numerous PSA's we've produced. There are numerous commercials we've done with him in too, most of which feature someone (usually me or someone else) turning into him like in those old commercials where weird things happen.
Andria, we would like to thank you for giving us the inspiration for our mascot Chumsley. He is a very fun character to do.

Friday, February 20, 2009

In Memorium

On March 4th 1994, the great funnyman John Candy passed away. It was a sad day.

To commerate this, I present to you my top 10 favourite john candy movies:

1. Splash.
2. Delirious.
3. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.
4. Uncle Buck.
5. Cool Runnings.
6. Stripes
7. Spaceballs
8. Great Outdoors.
9, Only The Lonely
10. JFK.

First parody ever written

This is a copy of the first parody I ever wrote. This is before I discovered Amiright. It is a parody of Solitare, it is titled Baudelaires and it was inspired by Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events. I've read most of the books except the 13th one. I've also seen the movie- it was awesome- especially Jim Carrey as Count Olaf- he was so over-the-top, i couldn't stop laughing when he was on screen.

My favourite things

Hi, Doc here. And this is a segment called my favourite things:

Favourite celebrities:

1. John Belushi.

2. Chris Farley.

3. John Candy.

4. Jorge Garcia.

5. Jack Black.

6. Eddie Izzard.

7. Jerry Seinfeld.

8. Josh Peck.

9. Johnny Depp.

10. Marlon Brando.

11. Jim Carrey

12. Rodney Dangerfield

13. Jay Leno.

14. Dan Akyroyd.

15. Jack Nicholson.


16. Tim Curry.

Favourite movies:

1. Any movie with Tim Curry in it.

2. Pirates Of The Carribean series.

3. Labyrinth.

4. Any Tim Burton film

5. Any film with John Belushi, Chris Farley or John Candy in it.

6. Batman.

7. The Shining.

8. Nightmare On Elm Street.

9, Anything by David Cronenberg especially Videodrome, Scanners and The Fly.

10. Fright Night

11. Ghostbusters

12. All Star Wars movies.

13. Princess Bride.

14. American Werewolf In London and The Howling series (including the underated third one the marsupials).

15. Igor.

16. Lord Of The Rings.

17. Beauty And The Beast.

18. Any Jack Black movie.

Favourite tv shows:

1. SNL.

2. SCTV.

3. 24.

4. The Riches.

5. Monty Python.

6. BlackAdder

7. Buffy.

8. Angel.

9. X Files.

10. The Tonight Show.

11. Twilight Zone.

12. Masters Of Horror.

13. Tales From The Crypt.

14. Power Rangers.

15. Big Bad Beetleborgs/Beetleborgs Metalix.

16. VR Troopers.

17. Mystic Knights.

18. Ninja Turtles, Biker Mice From Mars and similar shows.

19. The Tick (both animated and live action)

20. Earthworm Jim and Catscratch.

21. Ed, Edd and Eddy.

22. Drake and Josh.

23. South Park

24. Simpsons.

25. Family Guy.


26. American Dad.

My heroes: Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Jack Nicholson, Tim Curry.

Favourite movie genres: Horror, animation, sci fi, comedy, fantasy.

Favourite movie: Any John Candy movie.

Least Favourite: High School Musical franchise.

Favourite animated movie: Beauty and the beast.

Favourite singer: Meat Loaf.

Favourite composer: Bach (especially Fogue in G Minor)

Fsvourite songwriter: Jim Steinman (especially Total Eclipse Of The Heart by Bonnie Tyler, Makin Love Out Of Nothing At All by Air Supply and the entirety of the Bat Out Of Hell album).

Favourite music video: I'd Do Anything For Love (But I won't do that) by Meatloaf. It's such a beautiful video.

Animation projects i've done: Millitary Koalas, Adventures Of The Jr Blues Brothers, Herodale College, Biker Mice Extreme.

Company stage performances i've been in: Beauty And The Beast (Gaston), Leno (Jay Leno), Oliver (Fagin), Cats (Rum Tum Tugger), Phantom Of The Opera (Erik), Little Shop Of Horrors (Orrin the dentist) and Sweeney Todd (Benjamin Barker/Sweeney Todd)
Here is a photo of our company's beloved mascot Chumsley the werejohncandy. In the various animated shorts we've done with him in them his voice is done by Tina Insana (because he sounds like John Candy anyway). He also appears in various PSA's we've done about preserving nature and preventing forest fires ala Smokey Bear. If you are interested in helping him, join the John Candy Krusaders Club. He's also appeared in commercials we've done, some of which are satires of those commercials were something weird happens.
We would like to take the time to thank Andria, she's the one who inspired us to create our beloved mascot in the first place. And also we would love to give belated thanks to one very special man who unfortunately is no longer with us, the late John Candy. Johnny boy, thank you for all the laughs. And also thank you too Andria for inspiring us in so many ways, and for inspiring us to create our beloved mascot Chumsley the werejohncandy.


This is some art which i've done:

This first one is called Vampire Gaston. It's basically Gaston from BATB as a vampire.

This second one is titled Howlin Mad Gaston which is him as a Big Wolf On Campus style werewolf.

This is the original Beastman gaston one.

And finally...this one is Beastman Gaston version 2.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Millitary Koalas

This is all about my web cartoon series Millitary koalas.

Millitary Koalas is an animated show similar to Biker Mice, Ninja Turtles, and Swat Kats. It features a group of anthromorphic koala bears with special powers. It's plot is quite similar to Captain Simian And The Space Monkeys with Biker Mice thrown in. There are 15 members of the team of Millitary Koalas.

Characters: Main Millitary Koalas
Sparky and Sparky Jr
Sparky is the leader of the millitary koalas- he's very responsible, cool and smart. He has a son named Sparky Jr- both of them possesse the same superpowers. Sparky Jr is able to go into small spaces and can go places the other koalas can't go because of his small size.

Nigel is 2nd in command. He's a British koala with high intelligence. His special power is telekenesis, he can also read minds. He has a son named Konan who is a student at Herodale College. A running gag with him is that whenever people call him cute he uses his powers to give them a hard time.

The 1st female member of the group, she is named after singer/actress Cher of Sonny and Cher (she has a brother named Sonny who is named after well...Sonny Bono). Cher is the mysterious fashion easter of the group, her special superpower is magic based.

The 2nd female member of the group- Blondie is named after the singer Blondie. She is the ditzy, boy crazy member of the team. Blondie's special superpower is special elemental breath (she can use fire breath, electric breath, ice breath or bubble breath like Spyro). She is voiced by Kath Sucie. A running joke throughout the series is that she's always chasing a male koala- usually any male koala that she lays her eyes on- this is one of the gags that happens during the end credits sequence. She is Cher's best friend.

Falco is the "Donatello" of the group, he's intelligent, techno savvy and a skilled fighter. His special superpower is a very unique one: The powers of the Green Lantern. Like Cher, Blondie, Elvis, Dio, Beethoven and Mozart he is named after a musician- the late Falco to be precise.

Elvis is the resident glutton in the team, he's a very overweight koala with black hair, a Texan accent and shades. Elvis is named after Elvis Presley. His special power is the ability to eat anything whole even things that aren't edible or things that are bigger/smaller than he is.

Mozart (my brother's character)

The oldest of the group. Mozart is named after well...Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He's extremely smart, reliable and is quite eccentric. Amadeus has a variety of interesting powers Note: When crime fighting he sometimes goes by the name Mozart.

Beethoven (my character)

The underated genius thespian of the group. He is named after Wolfgang Von Beethoven. He's very intelligent and a master poet/actor. He is also good at strategic planning. His special power is that he's able to manipulate time.

This koala is the resident guru. Dio is special because his special powers are those of a god. He's named after Ronnie James Dio.

This koala is not only a crime fighter- he's also a scientist. Named after Clark Kent also known as Superman (and for a good reason too- this koala actually does possesss the powers of Superman). He has superman's powers.

Sidney is a total moron, accident prone and he's also deaf. His special superpower is super strength. He has a fancination for pickles. There are a few running gags involving him including this one: (Amadeus: Hey guys come on. I think Sidney is thinking something) I like pickles. (Beethoven: No ,he wasn't thinking at was just gas). Sidney sometimes ruins Clark's experiments by accident because of his stupidity


A koala equally as eccentric as Amadeus. Elton is named after Elton John. He is the gadgets/weapons technician. His special power is his ability to fly- he's also able to bring his own art creations to life using his special brand of music.


Madonna (Andria's character)

Madonna is a pampered koala who is named after the singer Madonna. She is the team's information expert. She is a very bubbly, energetic marsupial with a passion for fashion and art. Shes's beautiful but she packs a punch. She possessess magical healing powers. She's also Clark's love interest.

My good friend and mentor Master of oz gave me the idea for the show.

This is what my millitary koalas character looks like: